Tuesday, June 17, 2003

somewhere out there... i have this crush on Raine Maida --like most ladies out there (he's the 2nd guy from the left)... *sigh* what a cutie... and an amazing voice for Canadian rock... 'nuff said... Our Lady Peace will definitely go places... ROCK ON, Canada!

Monday, June 02, 2003

my left foot... lately i've been downloading John Mayer's live performances, and he really does do that thing with his left foot... hm, i like singer/songwriters that show that much drive for their brand of music... makes you wanna dance, too... he makes me smile and tingle all over, not in a weird way, but on a deeper level... i feel elevated, moved inadvertently into a different place... that gift is rare in a lot of artists... i mean, i don't feel like crying but i wanna laugh and be happy... *whew* man, that voice is amazing!

some cool sites: