Tuesday, April 29, 2003

technohead... after a diet of dirty vegas (and it was light)... i turned to the crystal method guys, and i like their trip-hop rave sound... it wasn't too hard, but rough enough to make you dance whatever it is that ravers dance... i'll probably switch to Barry Manilow again in the next few weeks... we'll see...

Monday, April 21, 2003

days go by... man, the groove is chill... the music is vibe... this place is hot... the floor is cool... ('been in the mood for some Dirty Vegas lately)... their site's cool, too... i love it when singers/bands come up with creative ways in marketing their music and themselves... i love those who give priority to their art; i think they're in touch with their calling...

Sunday, April 20, 2003

masterpiece... Handel's MESSIAH... the ultimate melody for heaven, don't you think?

Friday, April 11, 2003

up the saddle... i heard that the song "Horse With No Name", by America, was about heroin?... can someone confirm that?... (my co-workers give me piles of interesting stuff to blog about)...

Thursday, April 10, 2003

jars of clay... what a concept!... thanks to St. Paul of Tarsus... thus i am coined a clay vessel entrusted with a spiritual treasure... the latest album from this virtuoso rockers for God is soooo cool, you should get one!.... their new studio productions of their most popular songs are so refreshing and truly music to the ears... but don't take my word for it... come out and purchase your copy TODAY!!!

Tuesday, April 08, 2003

excellence... i can't wait to hone my musical skills since Luigi is staying at our house... (we all miss Butcheee *sob*)... thanks for the example of excellence!!! uhm Luigi, we need to get those EPX strings maybe sometime this week... i've wasted so much money on crappy strings... oh ya, my musical budget should increase sometime, in this lifetime... *twang*

the excellent definition:

1. Exceptionally good of its kind: ace, banner, blue-ribbon, brag, capital, champion, fine1, first-class, first-rate, prime, quality, splendid, superb, superior, terrific, tiptop, top
2. Informal: A-one, bully, dandy, great, swell, topflight, topnotch
3. Slang: boss
4. Chiefly British: tophole

Sunday, April 06, 2003

burner... i've been burning music recently (woah! get those mp4s off the net!!!)... it's a taxing job but fun... whoever invented Kazaa is a genius, just like that Napster dude!... BURN, BABY, BURN!!!

Friday, April 04, 2003

vocalization... woah! my voice still cracks, but i'm breathing right... i'll survive, but i still want to sing like them divas... *wishful thinking*

the la la definition:

1. The act or an instance of expressing in words: articulation, expression, statement, utterance, verbalization, voice.
2. The faculty, act, or product of speaking: discourse, speech, talk, utterance, verbalization.
3. The use of the speech organs to produce sounds: articulation, enunciation, utterance, vocalism, voicing.

Thursday, April 03, 2003

tools... i heard about these amazing D'Addario strings called EPX... $18.00... but doesn't break(!)... how do they do that?... maybe i'll try to save up for those... *twang*