Tuesday, April 08, 2003

excellence... i can't wait to hone my musical skills since Luigi is staying at our house... (we all miss Butcheee *sob*)... thanks for the example of excellence!!! uhm Luigi, we need to get those EPX strings maybe sometime this week... i've wasted so much money on crappy strings... oh ya, my musical budget should increase sometime, in this lifetime... *twang*

the excellent definition:

1. Exceptionally good of its kind: ace, banner, blue-ribbon, brag, capital, champion, fine1, first-class, first-rate, prime, quality, splendid, superb, superior, terrific, tiptop, top
2. Informal: A-one, bully, dandy, great, swell, topflight, topnotch
3. Slang: boss
4. Chiefly British: tophole


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